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You can get the manual you are searching for in printed form or even notice online. Page 2. manual control remoto aire acondicionado trane Trane CFEB series of chilled water fancoil systems offer three styles of installation: floor, low wall and under ceiling with both LCD wireless remote control Los productos y sistemas de Trane ofrecen una variedad de soluciones de calefaccion, ventilacion y aire acondicionado para sus necesidades de HVAC. Manual De Airea Acondicionado Trane. Uploaded by: Pedro Alberto Cuevas Alvarez; 0; 0. November 2019; PDF TXT. Bookmark; Embed; Share; Print.Thank you very much for purchasing our air conditioner,. Before using your air conditioner , please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference. 2019 Trane All Rights Reserved. 1. • This is a general use remote controller that can be used with multiple models/units. Some functions. USER'S INFORMATION MANUAL. SINGLE AND MULTI-ZONE DUCTLESS SYSTEM. AIR CONDITIONER OR HEAT PUMP. MODELS: 16 & 22 SEER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. GENERAL . If the installation does not conform to the rules described in Installation Manual, it may entail cancellation of warranty and liabilities by The Trane Company.
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